Ear Drain
Ear drain, also known as otorrhea, is any fluid that comes from ear. Most of the time, Your ear discharge earwax. This is an oil that your body naturally produce. The job of earwax is to make sure that dust, bacteria, and other foreign bodies don,t get into your ear.
However other conditions, such as ruptured eardrum, can cause blood or other fluids to drain from your ear. This kind of discharge is a sign that your ear has been injured or infected and requires medical attention.
Causes of Ear Drain
In most cases, discharge from your ear is simply ear wax making it,s way out of your body. This is natural. Other conditions that can cause discharge include infection or injury.
. Middle ear infection.
Middle ear infection (otitis media) is a common cause of discharge from the ear. Otitis media occurs when bacteria or viruses make their way into the middle ear.
ear infections in the middle ear can cause fluid to build up behind the eardrum. If there is too much fluid, there is a risk of perforation of the eardrum, which can lead to ear discharge.
. Trauma
Trauma to the ear canal also cause ear drain. Such trauma can occur while cleaning your ear with a cotton swab if you push it into deep.
An increase in pressure, such as when you're flying in an airplane or scuba diving, can also result in trauma to your ear. These situations may also cause your eardrum to rupture or tear.
Acoustic trauma is damage to the ear due to extremely loud noises. Acoustic trauma can cause your eardrum to rupture as well.
. Swimmer's ear
Otitis externa, commonly known as swimmer's ear, occurs when bacteria or fungus infects your ear canal. It usually occurs when you spend long periods of time in water. Too much moisture inside your ear can break down the skin on the walls of your ear canal. This allows bacteria or fungus to enter and cause an infection.
However, swimmer's ear isn't exclusive to swimmers. is can cause whenever there's a break in the skin of ear canal. This might occur if you have irritated skin as result of eczema.
It can also occur when if you insert a foreign object into the ear. Any damage to your ear canal makes it more susceptible to infection.
Seek medical attention if you..
You should call your doctor if the discharge from your ear is white, yellow or bloody or if you've had discharge for more than five days. Sometimes ear discharge may occur with other symptoms, such as a fever.
If you experience serious pain, your ear is swollen or red, or you have a loss of hearing, you should see your doctor or you've an injury that causes ear drain.
Home Remedies
Treat with apple cider vinegar
There are no studies to definitively prove that apple cider vinegar cures ear infections, but it does contain acetic acid. Apple cider Vinegar should not be considered a replacement for a visit with your doctor or traditional treatment for ear infections. It should only be used for outer ear infections.
Middle ear infection should be seen and treated by doctor, especially in children.
.Apple cider vinegar with warm water ear drops
. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with warm, not hot, water.
. Apply 5 to 10 drops in each affected ear using a clean dropper bottle or baby syringe.
. Cover your ear with a cotton ball or clean cloth and lean on your side to let drops enter and sit in the ear. Do this for about 5 minutes.
.Repeat this application as often as desired to treat an outer ear infection.
. 1-2 teaspoon fulls of warm water and a dropper.
. Use the dropper to squirt a few drops of water into the ear canal.
. You can also sleep with the infected ear facing the ceiling to experience relief from ear discharge and earache.
. You can use the water flush 3 to 4 times a day. Sleep as often needed during the day and at night to get relief from the pain.
. Neem Oil
Neem oil has antibacterial , antiviral, and antifungal properties. These properties help reduce ear ache and destroy the pathogens that cause infection in the ear.
. 1 teaspoon of Neem oil, A cotton ball, and a dropper.
. Pour a few drops of neem oil in the infected ear.
. Cover your ear with a cotton ball and lie down for a few minutes before removing it.
. You can do this two times a day for a few days.
. Warm compress
The warm clothes provides moisture that helps to unclog the ears and loosen the congestion. Using this remedy a few times a day helps de-clog the ears.
. 1 small bowl of warm water and a washcloth.
. Soak the washcloth in warm water, and hold it on your affected ear.
. You can do this as often as needed to relieve the discomfort.
. Garlic
In a study, ear drops containing garlic and other herbal extract s were found to be as effective as OTC ear drops. Using this remedy helps to battle the microbes in the ear and reduces infection.
. 2 cloves of fresh, raw garlic
. 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil, A dropper and, A cotton ball.
. Heat a few cloves of garlic in coconut oil for a few minutes.
. Let this mixture cool.
. Pour a few drops of this mixture into the affected ear with a dropper.
. Lie down for a few minutes and let the oil get absorbed.
. You can also consume raw garlic to reduce earache and infection.
. You can add a small amount of raw garlic to your dishes until the infection subsides.
. If you are using a garlic oil as a remedy , you can apply it two times a day.
. Steam Inhalation
This is very commonly used method to treat ear drainage and infections. The steam helps unclog the congestion in the ears by loosening the mucus and opening sinus passages.
. A pot, A bowl of water, 3-4 fresh herbal flowers, A towel.
. Boil the water in the pot.
. Add the herbs to the boiling water.
. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam from this boiling water.
. You can do steam inhalation for 10 minutes at a stretch, about 3 to 4 times a day.
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